
How it works

These are the 5 simple steps you need to take before you enjoy upto 50% royalties & great opportunities that no one offers but Publicancy
Write the best you can. Spend some time mastering the writing craft & pour all your super energies into your book
Sign up! Sign up is completely FREE! Just login & proceed to the next step.
Submit Book
Submit your book for us to review & seal the deal & to move on the next step. Submit Here!
Once your content has been approved we will sign a contract with you for a smooth resolution
Once we are in business, Our team will start working passionately on your book e.g. Proof-editing, Cover Design, Market Research & Publishing

Our Vision

Our vision is to help authors to achieve their goals, Usually authors who self-publish their books don't know how to market & reach their desired audience but with Publicancy we make sure your book gets in every hand of your selected audience & bring you monthly royalties with ease.

Platforms we use

Once your books are published through Publicancy, You will find your Paperbacks & eBooks on many platforms with your name under them as the Author


Frequently Asked Questions

How much you can earn?

This is an example, Your actual revenue may vary due to changes in printing & delivery costs by our retailers

What these platforms are
